EPOS with free school meal allowance or multi-campus cashless solutions with online account top up. Transparent spend analysis for students, parents and carers.

Cashless Web Portal
A simple to use and mobile friendly way for students, parents or carers to top up their account balance online. Online top ups are credited to a user account instantly so that funds are immediately available. Cashless web portal shows spend and historic purchases by transaction.
Cashless Vine Self Ordering
As well as standard card payment options in our Vine self order app, we have included the option for students to check out using their cashless account balance. This includes using any FSM (free school meal) balance where this is applied.
We have successfully reduced queuing at peak times in our busiest outlets by using the Vine self-ordering web app. Initially, we adopted Vine as a measure during the pandemic but the platform has become a key part of our EPOS system with a growing number of sales being pre ordered on customers own devices.
Is the Free School Meal allowance automatically allocated to the student?
Free School Meal allowance is handled as a component of our cashless system. A student who is flagged on the MIS system as being eligible for free meals is automatically allocated the fund on a daily basis. The fund (as an example £3.00 per day) is used automatically before any other fund or method of payment is required.
The FSM fund may be used for specified products only (if required) so that certain products are disabled from the Free School Meal allowance.
How does the Cashless System operate?
Our Cashless system means that users (staff and students) may use their pre-paid account balance to pay for any allowed products. Where there is a daily free school meal entitlement, this balance is used first and then the ‘topped up’ balance is depleted.
It is often the case that we read existing staff and student ID cards to authenticate an account removing the need to issue an additional card.
Cashless account balances may be topped up at specified EPOS till points as well as online via our mobile friendly Cashless Web Portal.
Does the solution integrate with our MIS and Finance?
Integration with 3rd party systems is commonplace for our in-house technical team who are highly experienced in terms of delivering integration with MIS and Finance Systems within the education sector.
As part of a Project Plan, we would agree on the protocols and best practice for the integration of data.
An example of this is automating the process whereby we extract students eligible for free school meals from your MIS system.
Does the system handle different VAT rates for student and staff?
All aspects of VAT analysis for students/non students are visible within the reporting system as are payments methods to include Cash, Cashless (meal packages and bursaries etc)
Does the Cashless Systems handle Print Management Credits?
Yes, we have an open API for integration with applications such PaperCut to handle print management credits.
What People Are Saying
A thoroughly pleasurable experience dealing with a company big enough to deal with all of requirements and small enough to be able to tailor to our needs.
Haven Systems have successfully achieved everything we asked from them.